Sew it begins…

My Sewing Machine

Over the next 300+ days, I’ll  be spending most of my spare time with this fella. I anticipate lots of cursing, bad posture, and occasional elation (when things actually go right). Luckily, my sewing space has its own door to protect the outside world from my out of tune sing-a-longs and bouts of rage from unpicking seams.

On the bright side, I won’t be alone as I’ve joined over 100 other ladies contributing to The Sew Weekly. Each week, we sew a garment based on a provided theme and post it for the world’s enjoyment. Signing up as a contributor is just the adventure I needed to build up my sewing skills and finally sew the custom wardrobe I’ve dreamed about.

This blog will chronicle my attempt. Needle is threaded and hopes are high. Thanks for looking in on me every now and then.

16 thoughts on “Sew it begins…

  1. Hi there! I really loved your blouse on Sew Weekly and would like to follow you. I am also working on a handmade wardrobe and always looking for inspiring sewers. I hope you post more!


    • Thank you, Kelly. Your encouraging words have inspired me to stay consistent with this blog. I am determined to find a balance between sewing and blogging.

      By the way, I stopped by your “korner”. You and your family are adorable.


  2. Najah-it’s Gina form Sew Weekly. I just wanted to tell you that I love the title of your blog. I can’t wait to see what you come up with for this year!


    • Appreciate your comments, Gina. You’ve been kicking ass the Sew Weekly, too. That Mork and Mindy-inspired outfit was the bomb!

      Coming up with a decent blog title had kept me from blogging for years. I really am happy with this one. Michael Jackson (may he R.I.P.) would surely be proud.


  3. I was very taken with your Sew Weekly blouse! Loved your alterations and it looks like a perfect fit- looking forward to more of your projects!


    • My twitter account’s got cobwebs…I really never got into tweeting. I am reconsidering it, though. If I join the tweetisphere, I’ll be sure to let you know know so we can be followees. 😉


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