Return from Staycation

I go back to work tomorrow after a handful of impromptu days off. It was a much needed break from the day job. Not necessarily for fun and travel, but for life maintenance and mental health. You the know the kind. Most of my staycation was analog. Except for my sewing machine and the occasional IMDb search to settle a movie casting argument, I managed to remain unplugged. So, I’ll be doing some catch up posts soon.

For now, a few shnibbets…

Behold, my new back-up sewing machine.

Singer 160 Limited Edition Sewing Machine

Just barely out of the box. Still haven’t even used the auto-threader. For the last two weeks (while finishing in-flight projects on my old Husqvarna), it’s been this pretty decoration on a fold out table. I don’t even know where it will ultimately live, but I’ve welcomed it into my life just the same. Think I’ll even hold out on giving it a name until I see how it sews. Beauty before function. It’s how I roll sometimes.

Michelle Obama, my favorite First Lady and stylecon, is pulling off a yellow-orange colorblocked outfit with purple (worn for the White House’s annual Easter egg roll)! Bold and smart. I dig it. Let’s see…yellow and orange pairs well with PINK (thanks, Jenni), PURPLE (merci, Mrs. O), BLACK (as demo’d by my dressform), and BLUE (a suggestion from the always-clever Gina I still have to try).

Michelle Obama wears yellow, orange, and purple colorblocked outfit

This week’s challenge at The Sew Weekly is to sew something inspired by a favorite city or locale. There is an image of a city on my homepage sidebar. It’s a scene from a movie. I will reward a small, mystery gift to the first person who can tell me the name of the movie. Leave a comment with your guess outrage.

UPDATE: OK, I suck. I accidently posted the WRONG picture! This is the movie image I meant to put on my sidebar.

And, this is the photo I mistakenly had up there.

The first picture is from the movie, The Wiz (1978). The second (wrong photo) is from the real, Wizard of Oz (1939). Ha! So much for my first “giveaway”. I owe the first AND second responder a gift. I’ll be in touch, ladies.

6 thoughts on “Return from Staycation

  1. It’s THE WIZ!! Of course! I LOVE that movie! I don’t have a sew weekly project this week, which I’m sad about. I can’t wait to see yours.

    I hear what you’re saying about taking some mental health days. I’m on a little get away with my family and I’m thinking the kids might need a night or two with grandma when we get back, lol.

    I love our first lady!! She is so classy and beautiful. Malia is shaped just like her, too.


    • You guessed it right even though I posted the wrong photo! But, I guess if you’ve seen the Wiz and someone mistakes the original for it, you’d know right away. It’s one of my top 5 favorite flicks. I know all the words to all the songs. Makes me miss Michael Jackson (RIP!).

      Oh, and I never really noticed how much Malia is built like her mother (except for her height of course). The two are gorgeous. I love seeing all the girls together.

      I’ll be in touch with your mystery gift ;-).


  2. is that the “new” singer featherweight? i hope you post a review as you put it through its paces…the commentary on PR leading up to its release has been less than kind 🙂


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