Ikat Believe It’s a Mumu!

Ikat Mumuu

I’m popping in to share the results of my recent contemplation on ikat print. I dig it! I wasn’t so sure when I pulled out this UFO of Vogue 8587 —started and abandoned in 2012. Why? I think it was because I was having second thoughts about the print. Was it me? Did it scream boho chic when my style, well, doesn’t? Was it the colors? Finishing it and wearing it for a day helped me decide.

Ikat Mummu

It was a simple make in cotton voile. I UFO’d it during the hand stitching of the bodice lining, leaving that and the sleeve and skirt hems undone for the next three years. It probably would’ve stayed that way for another year had I not been desperate for a quick-finish project. Worn unbelted, it’s also a mumu. Not that I’d hold that against a dress, but until I have a trapeze act, a tent shape on my curves will always be considered carefully.

Ikat Mumu

What makes this mumu appealing to me is the self-lined dolman sleeved bodice (easy to sew), the lack of closures, and how the gathered skirt sits at the high bust. Since I choose my pattern size based on my high bust measurement, a design like this meant no fiddling with the pattern to fit my chest. Celebrate good times.

V8587Ikat MumuThe ikat is still growing on me even as I type this, but I suspect a simpler color scheme would float my boat with less contention. For now, it stays in my life. Transforming from a comfortable house dress into a fun fit and flare frock with one accessory, it’s more than a pretty mumu, it’s a dual purpose utility.

Ikat Mumu

Even though I questioned the fabric, the pattern is definitely getting a repeat performance. With pockets next time. In a solid linen or maybe even a challis for some swish factor.

Until then, my festive ikat mumu has a few parties to crash.

8 thoughts on “Ikat Believe It’s a Mumu!

  1. Honestly. those of us with pastier skin tones envy you being able to wear such beautiful jewel colours. This is so ‘now’ and what a lovely easy wear on a hot day. I’m not generally a fan of over boob gathers, but its just so pretty and feminine. Send it over here if you’re still not keen come summer’s end!!


    • I know what you mean about gathers that sit north of the bustline, the style tends to look twee or overpowering for my chest, but this pattern does neither. If the boho print proves a bit much, I will ship it off to you for sure!


  2. What a wonderful and earthy look for you. Another blogger did exactly what you did–took a meh duster type dress, used wow factor fabric, added a belt, and created a stunning look. I love it!


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